Swimming Downstream to Catch Upstream Prevention

Lisa Saldana, PhD | March 31, 2023: FAIR (Families Actively Improving Relationships) is an evidence-based practice for parents referred to the child welfare system. Treatment addresses substance use (primarily opioids and/or methamphetamine), mental health, parenting, and ancillary needs. FAIR is community-based and relies on collaboration with service and community partners. As part of the NIH…

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Charting an Interdisciplinary Course to Advance Policy D&I and Reduce the Research to Policy Gap

Erika Crable, PhD | May 16, 2023: The ‘research to policy gap’ describes the failure to translate research findings into real-world, evidence-informed policies. This gap is dangerous to health systems and population health, but dissemination and implementation science (D&I) is poised to address this pervasive problem by designing effective strategies that promote evidence-informed policy and…

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Does evidence-based practice have any meaning for implementation science?

Brian Mittman, PhD | February 28, 2023: Full realization of the societal benefits of our work in implementation science requires high levels of successful sustainment (maintenance) and scale-up/spread of our implementation strategies and the effective practices we strive to implement. This presentation offers a series of questions we should ask, and recommendations for actions we…

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A Proposed Framework for Designing Trials Evaluating the Effectiveness and Implementation

Theresa Matson, PhD and Joseph Glass, PhD | February 21, 2023: Background: Clinicians and community health workers may wish to use digital interventions to reach more patients with unhealthy substance use, optimize costs of care, and improve outcomes. However, digital interventions have unique implementation considerations (e.g., technology infrastructure, digital literacy, monitoring and follow-up) and may…

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Reorienting Latent Variable Modeling for Supervised Learning

Booil Jo, PhD | February 7, 2023: Despite its potentials benefits, using prediction targets generated based on latent variable (LV) modeling is not a common practice in supervised learning, a dominating framework for developing prediction models. In supervised learning, it is typically assumed that the outcome to be predicted is clear and readily available, and…

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The Power and Limits and Evidence in Shaping Addiction-Focused Public Policy

Keith Humphreys, PhD | January 31, 2023: Many people hope that evidence — be it lived experience, clinical know how, or scientific research findings – can be used to improve policies towards addictive drugs, addiction, treatment, and recovery. But public policymaking can seem mysterious and irrational, such that many are cynical that evidence can matter.…

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PSM Multi-level Adaptive Implementation Strategies (MAISYs): Design Principles, Optimization Questions

Daniel Almirall, PhD | January 24, 2023: Evidence-based practices often fail to be implemented or sustained due to barriers at multiple levels of an organization (e.g., system-level, practitioner-level). A growing cadre of implementation strategies can help mitigate challenges at these multiple levels, but significant heterogeneity exists in whether, and to what extent, organizations—and the practitioners…

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